The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

4th CIJ Logan Symposium

Collective Intelligence

16–19 November 2020

Mon 16 Nov
Tue 17 Nov
Wed 18 Nov
Thu 19 Nov
Monday 16 November
  • 16 November 2020 10.00–11.30 Time zone: GMT
Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Keynote Panel

Opening Session

This is the opening session of this year's event and includes: Opening remarks from Richard Logan, President of The Reva & David Logan Foundation. A Keynote from Hatice Cengiz. The Opening Plenary session with James Harkin, Edwy Plenel, Jen Robinson and Christophe Deloire.
  • 16 November 2020 13.00–14.00 Time zone: GMT
Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Discussion

The New Intermediaries

Autumn 2020: The trials of Rui Pinto in Lisbon and Julian Assange in London, at almost exactly the same time and on similar charges, have made even more pressing the question of how to defend the new intermediaries working in and around investigative journalism to challenge power.
  • 16 November 2020 14.00–15.00 Time zone: GMT
Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Discussion

Blowing the Whistle

Tyler Shultz is the whistleblower who first raised the alarm on Elizabeth Holmes’s $10billion biotech company Theranos. In conversation with Delphine Halgand-Mishra, Executive Director of The Signals Network, he discusses the experience of turning whistleblower against fashionable big business and venture capital, the legal archipelago which often confronts those who speak out, the experience of […]
15.00–17.00 Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Masterclass Training

Infosec for Journalists

This masterclass series is comprised of four 90-min hands-on sessions on information security for journalists. It will cover the risks associated to digital technologies and mitigation strategies that can be employed to improve our security, as citizens and as professionals.
  • 16 November 2020 18.00–19.00 Time zone: GMT
Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Discussion Keynote

Ai Weiwei in Conversation with Edward Snowden: Dissidence, Exile and how to Fight for Truth from afar.

Tuesday 17 November
10.00–12.00 Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Masterclass Training

Infosec for Journalists

This masterclass series is comprised of four 90-min hands-on sessions on information security for journalists. It will cover the risks associated to digital technologies and mitigation strategies that can be employed to improve our security, as citizens and as professionals.
  • 17 November 2020 12.30–14.00 Time zone: GMT
Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Panel

Blaming the Messenger

With the rise of the Gilets Jaunes and Black Lives Matter movements and the furores over police brutality everywhere from France to the US to Belarus, how best do we defend and protect freelance journalists from attack by police, government and the state?
  • 17 November 2020 15.00–16.00 Time zone: GMT
Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Panel

The Trial of Golden Dawn

Dubbed by the media as "the biggest trial of fascists since Nuremberg", the trial of the Greek neo-nazis concluded in late October with the conviction of the organisation’s leadership in long prison sentences.
  • 17 November 2020 17.00–18.30 Time zone: GMT
Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Roundtable

Building Databases for Transparency

From troves of leaked documents to huge datasets and scraped collations of public records, what are the priorities of those that need these resources to dig deeper and use the information to hold the powerful to account, and to what extent do those needs fit with the possibilities and opportunities available to the experts working […]
  • 17 November 2020 17.30–19.00 Time zone: GMT
Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Panel Presentation

Opening the Black Box

With the resort to facial recognition technology and algorithms by governments and the private sector, big data and the “artificial” intelligence required to process that data are being deployed without any real accountability.
Wednesday 18 November
10.00–12.00 Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Masterclass Training

Infosec for Journalists

This masterclass series is comprised of four 90-min hands-on sessions on information security for journalists. It will cover the risks associated to digital technologies and mitigation strategies that can be employed to improve our security, as citizens and as professionals.
  • 18 November 2020 11.00–12.00 Time zone: GMT
Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Panel

Digging Italy: Doing Investigative Reporting in Italy

Doing investigative reporting in Italy can be dangerous and complex. Overall, Italian journalism lacks a strong investigative culture comparable to the one of the Anglo-Saxon world and, with some exceptions in broadcasting and other actors, Italian media tend to dedicate little attention to investigative reporting.
  • 18 November 2020 12.00–12.30
Symposium Event
 — Masterclass

Using OpenCorporates for Investigations

OpenCorporates is the largest open database of companies in the world and the first port of call for any investigator wanting to find out information about a company. Rebecca introduces their mission and explains why it is critical that we all fight for open data about companies - their existence, ownership, activities and the people connected with them.
  • 18 November 2020 13.00–14.15 Time zone: GMT
Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Panel Presentation

Locking down Debate?

Have the convulsions of Covid-19 opened to the door to a creeping censoriousness, surveillance and authoritarianism? Are big tech companies shutting down debate and stoking conspiracy theories by excluding controversial voices, and is the technology for coronavirus surveillance and the social measures to combat it as useful as it seems?
  • 18 November 2020 17.00–18.15 Time zone: GMT
Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Panel

Investigating Islamism

How far should a journalist go when it comes to investigating radical Islamism, and what are the dangers? What methods work best - undercover reporting online, the interpretation of documents, social media analysis, documentary or on-the-ground reporting?
  • 18 November 2020 17.00–18.30 Time zone: GMT
Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Masterclass Training

FOIA Terrorism

Few people have put the Freedom of Information Act to such good use in pursuit of the public interest as Jason Leopold, the investigative journalist the FBI referred to as a ‘FOIA Terrorist’. In this Masterclass Jason shares his experience, as he explains how to navigate the often complex request and appeals process of the […]
Thursday 19 November
10.00–12.00 Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Masterclass Training

Infosec for Journalists

This masterclass series is comprised of four 90-min hands-on sessions on information security for journalists. It will cover the risks associated to digital technologies and mitigation strategies that can be employed to improve our security, as citizens and as professionals.
  • 19 November 2020 12.00–13.00
Symposium Event
 — Panel

I’ve Been Hacked!

From the NSO Group to Wirecard via the activities of groups like Black Cube, Hacking Team and FinFisher, the last few years have seen a worrying trend - especially in collaborative, cross-border investigation - for governments and shady corporates to deploy spyware and private investigators to hack the phones of journalists and political dissidents.
  • 19 November 2020 14.00–15.15 Time zone: GMT
Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Panel

Follow the Data: Corruption, Leaks & People vs. Power

Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli, this talk on how open-source intelligence tools and collective strategies reconfigure investigations brings together investigative television journalist Natalie Sedletska, software artisan and ethical hacker Denis “Jaromil” Roio, and data team lead at OCCRP Friedrich Lindenberg.
  • 19 November 2020 15.00–16.00 Time zone: GMT
Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Masterclass

Investigating Procurement

The global response to COVID-19 has put procurement in the spotlight. Masks, school lunches, potholes: that’s where the government put taxpayer’s money to work. Globally, US $13 trillion is spent on contracts with private companies.
  • 19 November 2020 16.00–17.30 Time zone: GMT
Time zone: GMT
Symposium Event
 — Panel

The Limits of FOIA

Presentation: Nicholson Baker vs the CIA Nearly a decade ago, while investigating the possibility that the United States had used biological weapons in the Korean War, one of America’s most inventive and challenging novelists Nicholson Baker requested a series of Air Force documents under the provisions of the U.S.