The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

Delphine Halgand-Mishra

Delphine Halgand-Mishra is the Executive Director of The Signals Network. She previously served for six years as Reporters Without Borders’ North America Director, advocating for journalists, bloggers, and media rights worldwide. The Signals Network aims to advance the public interest by encouraging transparency, accountability, reporting and whistleblowing.

Symposium Event
 — Discussion

Blowing the Whistle

Tyler Shultz is the whistleblower who first raised the alarm on Elizabeth Holmes’s $10billion biotech company Theranos. In conversation with Delphine Halgand-Mishra, Executive Director of The Signals Network, he discusses the experience of turning whistleblower against fashionable big business and venture capital, the legal archipelago which often confronts those who speak out, the experience of […]
Symposium Event
 — Panel

What’s The Best Way To Protect Whistleblowers?

A thicket of legislation in the UK and US aims to frustrate whistleblowers, and the digital era throws up whole new threats to their interests. What is the best way to protect whistleblowers, both before they make the decision to speak to a journalist and once the story is published?
Director at The Signal Network