The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

Stephen Grey

Stephen Grey is a British investigative journalist and special correspondent for Reuters.

He has published several books including The New Spymasters and Ghost Plane, which revealed details of the CIA’s program of ‘extraordinary rendition.’ He has also reported extensively from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Masterclass Event

Running Investigations

Putting it together. Nailing the facts. Making accusations stick. The workflow. Managing the investigation and writing it up.
Masterclass Event

Source Protection

Finding, recruiting and protecting human sources. Practical information security and physical operational security. Skills for avoiding or mitigating surveillance.
Masterclass Event

How Not to Get Lost in Big Data

Keeping data-driven journalism under control.
Masterclass Event

Finding Corruption in Documents and Accounts

Reading company accounts and other documents to find and verify indicators of corruption.
Masterclass Event

Finding People and Spotting Connections

Social media analysis or other corroboration of links between potential investigative subjects, and what these can or can’t mean in terms of evidence.
Masterclass Event

The Scoop

Basic principles of investigative journalism and how to spot the big story.
Initiative Event

#CIJ Masterclasses 2021

For those working in the journalism industry, the era of Covid-19 has has been rocky, to say the least. In such a precarious climate, the danger is that the jobs go to the well-heeled and well-connected rather than those who are necessarily best at doing the job.
Symposium Event
 — Seminar

Winning the Trust of Sources – On and Offline

The slow, careful art of soliciting a trustworthy source is one of the exciting and overlooked skills in the investigative journalist’s toolkit. But how does it work when the source can only be reached via digital means, or presents only an anonymous identity in the first place?
Special Correspondent at Reuters