The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

Claire Miller

Claire Miller is an award-winning investigative data journalist. She has worked across national and regional newspapers in the UK, with more than a decade’s experience of using data skills to dig out data, find stories, and create visualisations.

She played a major role in the development of regional data journalism, launching the WalesOnline Datastore in 2011, winning the Digital Award at the Regional Press Awards in 2012. Until recently, she worked as the Editor of the Reach Data Unit, having been involved in building the unit from a small team of two journalists to a multi-award-winning team that includes reporters, developers, and designers.

Her years of working with data mean she’s built up extensive knowledge of the tools and techniques to source data, clean, and analyse it, as well as an understanding of how to create graphics, maps, and interactives.

She’s also an enthusiastic sender of Freedom of Information requests (possibly a little too enthusiastic if you ask the ICL), and has used requests to get the data that makes front page stories on national papers . She’s doggedly pursued access to the information, up to winning against the Information Commissioner in court.

Summer Conference Event
 — Talk

Data Journalism: Keeping it Local

How do you add a new skill as a local journalist? From two different perspectives, Helena Bengtsson and Claire Miller will talk about how they educate and inspire regional reporters to work with data journalism methods.
Summer Conference Event
 — Class

Data Journalism: ‘Scraping’ Data Without the Coding

Getting access to the data you want for a story, when it doesn't arrive already in a handy spreadsheet, can be a challenge. It can feel like you might have to learn a load of coding skills just to get started.
Summer Conference Event
 — Course

Data Journalism: Spreadsheets 1-3. Hands-on. [B+I]

Hands-on. Beginner-Intermediate. This three-part hands-on express data journalism course will introduce you to the basics of data analysis in Google Sheets. Suitable for beginners (part I) and intermediates (parts II and III).
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