Srećko Horvat: What should subversives do?
Amid the rise of populism and surveillance apparatuses and the fragility of liberal democracies, what does it mean to be subversive in the contemporary era? Srećko Horvat, one of the most exciting new radical philosophers, came to the Centre for Investigative Journalism (CIJ) to argue for the value of a genuinely subversive journalism and a fresh kind of radical internationalism.
Srećko Horvat, from Croatia, is the author of Poetry from the Future and What Does Europe Want (co-authored with Slavoj Žižek). He was a 2019 European election candidate for the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25).
Chair: James Harkin, Director, CIJ
This talk was hosted at Goldsmiths, University of London, as part of the #LOGANCIJ Talks Series.
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James Harkin
Srećko Horvat
- 15 May 2019 18.30–20.00