Chandrani Sinha
Chandrani Sinha is an independent multimedia journalist, currently based in Guwahati city of Assam India. She covers the eastern corridor of India along with all the North-Eastern states including West Bengal and Odisha. She has been reporting stories from Northeast India for the past 10 years. She works on climate change, migration, health and along with other human-interest stories.
She was one of the first journalists to report on the National Registration Certificate in the Indian state of Assam and linking it with climate change and how it affected the identity of climate victims of Assam. The story was later selected as a finalist of ASIA CENTRE-OXFAM award for equitable Asia series. She is a 2022 IVLP fellow, a prestigious international exchange program conducted by the US state department on disinformation and misinformation. She is a 2021 fellow for National Foundation of India on Mental health issues of pregnant tea garden workers during the pandemic in Assam, India. Currently, she contributes to both Indian and Foreign media organizations like The third pole, BBC, climate home, Washington Post, Vice US, and Times UK mostly on digital platforms. Her last story “laments of Brahmaputra ” published by The Third Pole, won the covering climate now global journalism award 2022, also reviewed by Columbia Journalism School.
OCRI Event
Train-the-Trainer climate reporting bootcamp in New Delhi