The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

Bhaskar Sunkara

Bhaskar Sunkara is an American political writer. He is the founding editor and publisher of Jacobin, and publisher of Catalyst: A Journal of Theory and Strategy and Tribune. He is a former vice-chair of the Democratic Socialists of America and the author of The Socialist Manifesto: The Case for Radical Politics in an Era of Extreme Inequality as well as a columnist for the Guardian US.

Talks and Screenings

Bhaskar Sunkara: The future of radical journalism

Amid the closure of some traditional outlets and the fracturing of traditional boundaries between left and right, what is the future of radical journalism? How much can it borrow from the outrage-fuelled world of new media, and how far is it in danger of taking refuge in echo chambers of its own making?
Bhaskar Sunkara
Publisher at Jacobin magazine