Zelda Perkins: We need to talk about NDAs
Nearly 20 ago, Zelda Perkins reluctantly signed a non-disclosure agreement with Miramax that prevented her from speaking out about Harvey Weinstein’s alleged harassment and sexual assault of her and a colleague. At the end of 2017, she publicly broke that agreement to talk about her experience and shine a light on the improper use of NDAs. She came exclusively to the CIJ to talk about the dangers both for victims and for journalists, which flow from the egregious use of non-disclosure agreements in financial settlements, and what can be done about it.
Chair: James Harkin, CIJ Director.
This talk was hosted at Goldsmiths, University of London, as part of the #LOGANCIJ Talks Series.
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Zelda Perkins
- 6 March 2018 18.00–19.00