The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

Jimmy Wales: Is our news making us ill?

Is our news diet making us ill? As the mainstream print media retrenches and new kinds of partisan,
“activist”, corporate and fact-free “alternative” media fill the vacuum, the media we consume is full of
more hidden additives than ever. What can be done about it? Is it enough to check facts, or is the
increasing overpopulation of factoids, and think tanks and activist groups or fact-checking their
enemies, part of the problem?

Jimmy Wales came to the CIJ to think about how to fix our broken news industry.

Chair: James Harkin, CIJ Director.

This talk was hosted at Goldsmiths, University of London, as part of the #LOGANCIJ Talks Series. We do not make money on our events. All money received is invested into journalism education and more events and trainings. Please help us keep these events free for all.

Jimmy Wales

Jimmy Donal "Jimbo" Wales is an American-British Internet entrepreneur. He is a co-founder of the online non-profit encyclopedia Wikipedia and the for-profit web hosting company Wikia. In 1996, he and two partners founded Bomis, a web portal featuring entertainment and adult content.


  • 2 November 2017 17.00–18.30
Location: Goldsmiths, University of London