The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

Summer Conference

4–6 July 2019

Designed for journalists. Open to all.

The CIJ Summer Conference is UK’s only journalism training event with an emphasis on teaching investigative skills. We offer a mixture of talks, demos and hands-on classes which are designed to equip journalists and anyone interested in investigations with the up-to-date investigative methods and tools.


Published: 26 Aug 2019

Maria Ressa lecture

We are delighted to announce that Maria Ressa, a Filipino-American journalist and author and co-founder of Rappler will deliver our annual Gavin MacFadyen Memorial Lecture on Sat 6 July.
Published: 26 Aug 2019

New Speakers

Jane Bradley and Katie Baker, both of BuzzFeed News will give a talk on their work investigating self-help guru Tony Robbins.
Published: 26 Aug 2019

New Speaker: Bastian Obermayer

Bastian Obermayer, one of the journalists behind the Panama Papers investigation will give a talk alongside the screening of his recent film.
Published: 20 Aug 2019

Twitter speakers list

We have created a Twitter list of all the speakers at the 2019 summer conference. Follow the list here.
Published: 20 Aug 2019

Lyra McKee Investigative Training Bursary

The Lyra McKee Investigative Training Bursary applications are now closed. The successful applicants will be contacted by email/phone by Monday 17 June.
