The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

Supply Chain Investigations

This session will cover practicalities of supply-chain investigations, using case studies to guide participants through the process of tracking commodity flows through data and shipping records. It will look at verifying claims of unsafe or inhumane conditions through analysis of social media and interviewing unions and workers’ groups, as well as using platforms such as Panjiva to identify links between factories and larger corporations and brands that profit from them.

The training is designed to help researchers and journalists be as global as the corporate supply chains they are tracking – if necessary without leaving their desks. Using published investigations as examples, this session takes participants step-by-step through how to run a supply chain investigation. It covers training in how to find stories, gather evidence and carefully use multiple databases to locate hidden information and prove wrongdoing. It also covers questions around legal issues, worker safety, and cross border collaboration.


Group size: max 15 people.
Class duration: 2hrs x 1 day

Technical Requirements

This course will be hosted on Zoom.

Our Zoom account’s default settings have been modified to maximise information security and ensure all training participants’ data protection and privacy. See details of our Zoom infosec settings HERE.

Trainer Biography:

Tansy Hoskins

Tansy Hoskins is an award-winning journalist and author who investigates the global fashion industry. This work has taken her to Bangladesh, Kenya, Macedonia, and the Topshop warehouses in Solihull. Her latest book is The Anti-Capitalist Book Of Fashion.
  • 20 November 2024 14.00–16.00 Timezone: GMT (UK Time)
Timezone: GMT (UK Time)
Location: Zoom meeting