The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

Christopher Hird

Christopher Hird founded Dartmouth Films in 2008, to pioneer new ways of funding, producing and distributing documentaries. A former investment analyst in the City, he worked as a journalist on the Economist, Daily Mail, New Statesman and Sunday Times (as the editor of Insight), before becoming a television reporter and producer. He is a former managing editor of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and the author of Investigative Journalism Works: The Mechanism of Impact.

Summer Conference Event
 — Talk

Paul Foot: A Journalist’s Life [R]

As her biography of Paul Foot is launched, Margaret Renn discusses his legacy as an investigative journalist. His notable columns appeared in Private Eye, Socialist Worker, the Guardian, and the London Review of Books.
Founder and Managing Director at Dartmouth Films