The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

Blowback: The Dangers of Whistleblowing – For Both Sources and Journalists

The need for stronger protection for whistleblowers is regularly discussed but far less attention is given to addressing the dangers of whistleblowing before the decision to raise concerns has even been made. How can we help those that want to speak up about corruption or abuse to do it in ways that minimise these dangers before it’s too late? And ways that maximise the chances of getting a good outcome for both journalist and source?

In this seminar, Investigative Practice aimed to move beyond general calls for whistleblower protection after the fact to identify more effective and safer methods for divulging information in the public interest.

Gill Phillips

Gill Phillips is a lawyer who works as an editorial legal consultant for a number of NGOs and not for profits, advising on a range of content-related matters including defamation, privacy, contempt of court and reporting restrictions.

Julie Posetti

Julie Posetti is Senior Research Fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University, where she leads the Journalism Innovation Project. A multi-award winning journalist formerly with the ABC, she authored UNESCO’s Protecting Journalism Sources in the Digital Age and co-anchors the Working With Whistleblowers Project for Blueprint for Free Speech.
  • 19 October 2018 16.00–17.00