The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

Training now online!

You can now book your place on some of this year’s limited availability CIJ Masterclasses and roundtable discussions.

For more information visit our registration page.

Published: 02 Nov 2020
16–19 November 2020

Infosec for Journalists

This masterclass series is comprised of four 90-min hands-on sessions on information security for journalists. It will cover the risks associated to digital technologies and mitigation strategies that can be employed to improve our security, as citizens and as professionals.

19 November 2020

Investigating Procurement

The global response to COVID-19 has put procurement in the spotlight. Masks, school lunches, potholes: that’s where the government put taxpayer’s money to work. Globally, US $13 trillion is spent on contracts with private companies.