The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

Source Protection Programme Events

10 May 2021

Introduction to the Source Protection Programme

(90 mins) 18:00 BST / 13:00 EST This introductory session will feature a welcome from CIJ Director James Harkin and Freedom of the Press Executive Director Trevor Timm, as well as a special discussion between Jessica Bruder and Laura Poitras moderated by James Marcus.

17 May 2021

Borders, conflict and security with Iona Craig

(90 mins) 18:00 BST / 13:00 EST This masterclass from intrepid investigative journalist Iona Craig takes a closer look into Iona's experience reporting from conflict zones like Yemen while protecting sources, fixers and her investigations.

30 June 2021

Training Sources in Operational Security

(90 mins) 18:00 BST & 18:00 EST This session focuses on guidelines and frameworks to support your sources to protect their own identity. Even if you take every care to keep your own infosec practices tight, it will often mean little if you can't also give your sources the support they need to secure their communication with you from their side.

23 June 2021

Office Hours

Book a one to one session with one of our trainers to go over specific issues or review last weeks training.

16 June 2021

Source Protection

(90 mins) 18:00 BST & 18:00 EST In this workshop you will receive training in keeping your sources confidential. We'll look into how to encrypt not just your communications with a source on both email and mobile, but also how to keep documents, data and other source material encrypted with tools like diskutility, bitlocker and VeraCrypt.

9 June 2021

Advanced Newsroom Security

(90mins) 18:00 BST & 18:00 EST Building on earlier security sessions, this training will help you protect yourself and your online accounts. We’ll talk about various forms of phishing; steps you can take if an account has been compromised; and how to handle online threats and harassment, including the risk of doxxing.

2 June 2021

Digital Security in Hostile Urban Environments

(90mins) 18:00 BST & 18:00 EST This session builds on the fundamentals to bring in more advanced information security topics. It will go into the technical details of mobile security, and look at the privacy and security settings within different operating systems including those built for security such as Tails.

21 May 2021

Office Hours

Book a one to one session with one of our trainers to go over specific issues or review last weeks training.

19 May 2021

Information Security Fundamentals

(90mins) 18:00 BST & 18:00 EST This session will serve as a general introduction to the (broad!) field of information security. We will be giving some basic definitions, describing possible risks of using digital technologies, and introducing some of the available strategies and tools to improve our security.

16–19 November 2020

Infosec for Journalists

This masterclass series is comprised of four 90-min hands-on sessions on information security for journalists. It will cover the risks associated to digital technologies and mitigation strategies that can be employed to improve our security, as citizens and as professionals.