The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

Investor-State Disputes: Exposing Shadowy Threats to Democracy

Multinational corporations and investors have filed almost 1,000 legal cases against entire countries at an obscure branch of the World Bank. Such cases have been successfully used by corporations to circumvent environmental regulations, as well as post-apartheid policies in South Africa designed to empower black communities. Yet few of these cases have been covered, let alone investigated, by journalists.

This session will look at current and recent investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) cases, public-interest questions to ask about them and sources to help answer those questions, including databases maintained by the World Bank and UN. It will draw on investigations that Claire Provost and Matt Kennard began as CIJ fellows in 2014-2016 and that culminated in the recent publication of their book Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy (Bloomsbury 2023).

Claire Provost

Claire Provost is a senior investigative journalist and co-author of Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy (Bloomsbury Academic 2023), with Matt Kennard, which is the product of research they started while fellows at the CIJ in 2014-2016.

Matt Kennard 

Matt Kennard was co-founder and former chief investigator at Declassified UK, a news outlet investigating British foreign policy. He was a fellow at the CIJ in 2014-2016. He has worked as a staff writer for the Financial Times in Washington, D.C., New York, and London.
  • 29 June 2023 10.10–11.10
Location: MRB 05 Lecture Theatre. Media Research Building.