The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

Up to 50 Journalists Receive OCRI Training During COLPIN 2022

As part of the OCRI programme, at least 50 journalists received training during the Conferencia Latinoamericana de Periodismo de Investigación (COLPIN) 2022. The conference which is one of the most prestigious conferences on investigative journalism in the region was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between 9-12 November.

Organisers of COLPIN and CIJ’s OCRI partner Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS) held two activities for training. The first one was an open training on Covering Climate Change and Cities. Edilana Damasceno from DataLabe and Shyrlei Rosendo from Direitos Urbanos Socioambientais were the speakers, and the talk for up to 40 attendants was chaired by Cristina Serra. This session took place at Favela de Maré, in the north of Rio de Janeiro.

The second activity was an Advanced Course on Investigative Journalism (CAPI in Spanish) prepared by IPYS and focusing on different aspects of covering Climate Change. The course took place an 9 and 10 November, having recognised journalists and specialists working on the subject, such as André Trigoso, from Globo Televisión; Rafael Radke, UNESCO advisor on Climate Change; Mac Margolis, journalist  from think thank Igarape; Lise Olsen, journalist of The Texas Observer; and Gustavo Faleiros, InfoAmazonía’s founder. 10 journalists benefited from this intensive programme, from which two of them will be selected to receive a grant to complete the projects they presented during this event. Read more about the participating the 10 journalists here.


Published: 17 Nov 2022