The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

Brazil and Lusophone Africa

01 Apr 2023 - 31 Mar 2024

Amade Abubacar

Amade Abubacar is a Mozambican journalist, researcher, trainer and human rights activist, based in Pemba. He has worked in radio, online and print media since 2008, and held the position of editor-in-chief at Macomia Nacedje radio.

Ananda Ridart

Journalist and Political Scientist. Communications Coordinator and Researcher at the Iyaleta Research Association. Masters in Political Science from the Federal University of Pará (PPGCP/UFPA). Master in Data Journalism, Automation and Data Storytelling (Insper).

Bernardo Loureiro

Bernardo is a data scientist and urban planner who joined Trase in 2021 and he leads the development of the internal and external data visualisation tools. Before joining Trase, he worked as a freelance data scientist and developer for NGOs, government, academic institutions and private companies.

Bianca Cavalcanti

Researcher at Greenpeace Brazil and a Master's student in Geography at the Federal University of Amazonas. She has experience in deforestation and environmental modelling of land use and land cover, monitoring ocean oil spills using geoprocessing and remote sensing techniques.

Bianca Muniz

Data Analyst at Agência Pública, Bianca has a degree in Biomedicine, a Masters in Science from Unifesp and a specialisation in Data Journalism and Automation from Insper. She is currently a journalism student at the University of São Paulo, with an exchange period in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Texas at Austin, USA.

Buanamade Assane Buana

Buanamade Assane was selected to be a teacher, following an intensive 30-day psycho-pedagogical training course at the Napipine Teacher Training School in January 1982. In 1984, he was invited by some foreigners, technical advisors from the then Media Office, now ICS, to be part of a team of journalists for the Nampula delegation, where he took his first steps in journalism.

Camila Rodrigues

A journalist with 18 years of experience in popular media outlets and the mainstream press, such as g1, Folha de S. Paulo and UOL. She has a PhD in Demography and a master's degree in Economics and has been covering human rights since 2012.

Carlos Manuel dos Santos Serra

Carlos is a Mozambican lawyer, consultant, university lecturer and environmental activist, specialising in environmental law and with extensive experience on the topics of management and pollution, waste legislation, and local governance.

Carolina Dantas

Carolina is a journalist specialised in science journalism and has established two areas of interest: environment, with a special focus on the Amazon, and health since 2016. She has more than a decade of experience in large newsrooms, such as Folha de S.Paulo, g1 and TV Globo

Cecília do Lago

Data journalist, currently a reporter at Estadão Verifica. Previously, she was a freelance reporter, reporter at Radar Aos Fatos, producer at CNN Brasil, politics reporter at Estadão. She covers disinformation, politics, judiciary, public safety, education and transparency.

Clara Sacco

Clara is the Co-founder and coordinator of Data_labe. She is a also mediator at Sesc’s Social Innovation Laboratory and has been a project coordinator at the Favelas Observatory.

Daniel Ribeiro

For the past 16 years, Daniel has served as the Technical and Research Coordinator at Justiça Ambiental, a Mozambican organisation he co-founded in 2004 and volunteered in till 2007. A Mozambican biologist, he has a degree in Biology and a Masters in Ecology from the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

Dr. Rodrigo Cunha

Dr. Rodrigo Cunha is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Social Communication (DCOM) and permanent researcher in the Postgraduate Programme in Communication (PPGCOM) at the Federal University of Pernambuco.

Edriano Souza

Research Analyst at the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) and has academic and professional experience in the areas of Tropical Forest Sciences at the National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA) and forest engineering at the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR).

Felipe Barcellos

Working at the Institute of Energy and Environment (IEMA) with research on energy policy, urban mobility, air quality, and atmospheric emissions modeling, Felipe has a technical background in electronics from Fundação Instituto Tecnológico de Osasco and a specialisation in Urban Mobility and Contemporary City from Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo Escola da Cidade.

Fernanda Wenzel

She is an investigative reporter and works as a freelancer. Specializing in the environment and the Amazon, she has had stories published by outlets such as Unearthed, Mongabay, Repórter Brasil, Agência Pública, ((o))eco, Folha de São Paulo, The Guardian, BBC Brasil and CNN International.

Giulio Carvalho

He has been working with data scraping and engineering for four years and is a graduate of the Computer Engineering course at UFPE. Since 2019, he has been an active member and part of the Python Users Group of Pernambuco (PUG-PE) organisation.

Helena Carpio

Innovation leader at Prodavinci and co-anchor of Deutsche Welle's "Fuerza Latina" programme, Helena is a Venezuelan multimedia journalist who explores the ever-changing relationship between society and the environment.

Jamile Santana

Presently the coordinator of Escola de Dados, a global program of Open Knowledge Brazil which aims to foster learning communities around relevant topics such as data journalism, transparency, and open data publication, Jamile is a data journalist with 11 years of experience in news coverage and local investigations.

Jean Ometto

Jean is a Senior researcher at Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research and Coordinator of the Earth System Science Centre (CCST/INPE) where he doubles as a postgraduate lecturer. He is actively involved in a number of international research forums on the subject: he was appointed to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – […]

Juliana Mori

Juliana Mori is a journalist specialising in audiovisual productions and geospatial data visualisation. Co-founder and editorial director of InfoAmazonia. Graduated in journalism from the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC) of São Paulo, she holds a master’s degree in Digital Arts from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona.

Jullie Pereira

She covers socio-environmental issues for InfoAmazonia and is a Letters - Portuguese Language student at the Amazonas State University (UEA). Previously, Jullie wrote for Amazônia Real, was a trainee and freelancer at Estadão and was also a reporter for the Amazonas Atual website as well as an executive producer for the Amazon Sat channel, part of the Rede Amazônica group, a Globo affiliate in the North.

Lorena Esteves

Journalist and doctoral student at PPGCOM-UFPA. She studies indigenous women's activism in digital environments. An Amazonian woman of black and indigenous ancestry, feminist, anti-racist and decolonial.

Lucas Thaynan

Lucas is a data journalist, designer, python developer and web programmer. He has a degree in Journalism from the Federal University of Alagoas (Ufal) and a postgraduate degree in Data Journalism, Automation and Data Storytelling from Insper.

Mariana Gomes

Mariana Gomes is a journalist, cyberactivist and researcher. She is the communications advisor for the Iyaleta Research Association and is currently studying for a master's degree in Communication and Contemporary Cultures at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA).

Maristela Crispim

Founder and editor-in-chief of Eco Nordeste - Content Agency, Maristela is an award winning journalist of over three decades. She is a former press advisor for the Ceará Meteorology and Water Resources Foundation (Funceme) and was part of the Esso Award jury and the selection team for the Petrobras Socio-environmental Programme.

Marta Salomon

A journalist specialising in public policy with a master and doctorate degree in sustainable development, Marta is an associate researcher at the Centre for Sustainable Development (CDS/UnB) and a lecturer on information and climate change.

Nelsa Momade Pedro

Nelsa Momade Pedro is a Mozambican journalist living in the city of Nampula. She has dedicated herself to publishing articles on womens’ rights, the LGBTQ+ community, renewable energy and politics. Her work is currently featured by Ikweli, and she was previously a children’s programme presenter and intern at Rádio Encontro, a Catholic broadcaster in Nampula.

Omardine Zacarias Omar

A Mozambican investigative journalist with Integrity Magazine, Omardine has a master’s degree in political science from the Higher Institute of Science and Technology of Mozambique (ISCTEM). In 2017, he worked with the National Institute of Statistics to train 45 candidates as census takers and controllers, including surveys of journalistic investigations and implementation of the African […]

Rafael Moro

A special reporter for Sumaúma in Brasília. He was a contributor to media outlets such as Revista Piauí, Valor Econômico, UOL, Agência Pública and Folha de S. Paulo. One of the reporters of the Vaza Jato series.

Sineia do Vale

Indigenous of the Wapichana people, Serra da Lua region, in Roraima, she is currently the National Coordinator of the Indigenous Committee on Climate Change (CIMC). She also works as an environmental manager and coordinator of the Department of Territorial and Environmental Management of the Indigenous Council of Roraima (CIR).

Stefano Wrobleski

Stefano is the Executive Director of InfoAmazônia, where he leads on fundraising, technology and administrative efforts. Previously, he worked at Internews as the Geojournalism Coordinator for the Earth Journalism Network and was part of projects for the Amazon in the Americas team.

Wellington Frazão

A journalist, popular communicator, coordinator of Belém's community media Periferia em Foco and master's student in communication (UFPA). In 2021/2022, Periferia em Foco was part of a national popular communication project for the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo (Estadão), where he showed Brazil the potential of the periphery of the Pará Amazon.

Wérica Lima

Graduated in social communication-journalism from Nilton Lins University, she is a student of Biological Sciences at the Federal Institute of Amazonas (IFAM). In her career, she worked as a communications officer at the National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA).