The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

New Course Available – Investigating Data with R

Having successfully moved our Introductory Data Journalism Course – Finding Stories with Data – online since the Covid-19 pandemic hit, we’ve now been looking at the potential for teaching more advanced journalistic tools for data analysis.

We’ve followed the same rigorous and thorough trial and testing process that we subjected our introductory courses too and are now ready to open our next new subject – Investigating Data with R.

R is a programming language which, although originally developed for data analysts, has found many supporters within the journalism world, and is now – alongside Python – the most popular coding language among data journalists. There is a learning curve, but once you’ve climbed it you’ll find many ways to use R to save you time.

You can take the course as either morning or evening classes. The  full options with dates and times are below, with links to more details and booking forms.

Evening Course
(3 modules of 2 hours each – three consecutive days)

12 October 2020 @ 5pm (UK time)
13 October 2020 @ 5pm (UK time)
14 October 2020 @ 5pm (UK time)

Morning course
(3 modules of 2 hours each – three consecutive days)

19 October 2020 @ 10am (UK time)
20 October 2020 @ 10am (UK time)
21 October 2020 @ 10am (UK time)

12–14 October 2020

Investigating Data with R

So you’ve got the fundamentals of data journalism down. You’re interrogating spreadsheets like a pro and able to use pivot tables like the data Swiss-army-knives they are.

19–21 October 2020

Investigating Data with R

So you’ve got the fundamentals of data journalism down. You’re interrogating spreadsheets like a pro and able to use pivot tables like the data Swiss-army-knives they are.