The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

Summer Conference Events

3 July 2024

Story-Based Inquiry Method 1-4

This course sets out the Story-Based Inquiry (SBI) method, which has been successfully used by thousands of journalists, academics and NGO researchers since its publication by UNESCO in 2009. The method can be used for feature writing or documentary filmmaking as well as reportage.

28 June 2023

Story-Based Inquiry Method 1-4

The course sets out the Story-Based Inquiry (SBI) method, which has been successfully used by thousands of journalists, academics and NGO researchers since its publication by UNESCO in 2009. The method can be used for feature writing or documentary filmmaking as well as reportage.

29 June 2022

Story-Based Inquiry Method

The course sets out the Story-Based Inquiry (SBI) method, which has been successfully used by thousands of journalists, academics and NGO researchers since its publication by UNESCO in 2009. The method can be used for feature writing or documentary filmmaking as well as reportage.

7 July 2021

Reporting Poverty: Narratives Around Need

Poverty and inequality sit at the heart of a huge range of issues in both the US and UK and yet so much of journalism features at best a superficial view, at worst exploitation and condemnation of people experiencing poverty.

18 November 2020

Investigating Islamism

How far should a journalist go when it comes to investigating radical Islamism, and what are the dangers? What methods work best - undercover reporting online, the interpretation of documents, social media analysis, documentary or on-the-ground reporting?

6 July 2019

Fiona Hamilton: A Life in Crime

How has crime reporting changed, and what are the new challenges of the beat? In a rare and wide-ranging conversation Fiona Hamilton, Crime and Security Editor of The Times, talks to Duncan Campbell, veteran crime reporter at the Guardian, and author of the new book Underworld: The Inside Story of Britain’s Professional and Organised Crime.

11 July 2020

Katherine Eban: Covid-19, Pharmaceuticals and Public Health.

Katherine Eban, an award-winning New York-based investigative journalist, reports on public health and pharmaceuticals for Vanity Fair and is the author of the New York Times bestseller Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom.

6 July 2020

Can Dündar: Arrest, Escape and Exile.

Can Dündar will deliver our annual Gavin MacFadyen Memorial Lecture. Can Dündar is a distinguished Turkish journalist with over 40 years of experience writing, editing and making investigative documentaries.

6 July 2019

Maria Ressa: Gavin MacFadyen Memorial Lecture

A Filipino-American journalist and author and co-founder of the innovative news site, Maria Ressa delivers our annual Gavin MacFadyen Memorial Lecture. Maria has been fearlessly reporting on the extrajudicial killings and human rights violations occurring in the Philippines under the Duterte regime.

4 July 2019

Unlimited Power: Investigating Tony Robbins

In May 2019, BuzzFeed News published a major investigation into the world’s most famous self-help guru Tony Robbins, who claims to have revolutionised millions of lives including some of the most vulnerable.