The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

Summer Conference Events

7 July 2021

Aleph: the Tool that Turns Data into Leads

This free session is designed to give you an introduction to Aleph, the tool that turns data into leads.

Finding Needles in Haystacks with Fuzzy Matching

Fuzzy matching is a process for linking up names that are similar, but not quite the same. It has become an increasingly important part of data-led investigations as a way to identify connections between public figures, key people, and companies that are relevant to a story.

5 July 2019

Graph Databases

In data journalism, we tend to use relational databases – data in table form – such as Excel or SQL to do our analysis and find stories. Graph databases are different, but are incredibly useful to find connections or patterns within our data that would be difficult, if not impossible, to spot using a relational database.

Data Wrangling with Pandas 2

Your data is squeaky clean and ready to go – time to dig deep and start hunting for those elusive leads. Pandas allows you to quickly and easily perform statistical analysis on your data helping you to mine for stories and look for outliers.

Data Cleaning with Pandas 1

Data cleaning can feel more like data penance, but Pandas can ease your pain, allowing you to clean and structure your data with minimal hassle. Jupyter Notebook’s interactive environment helps you keep track of your changes and allows you to explore your data.