The Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism

Summer Conference Events

3 July 2024

Data Journalism: Mapping with QGIS 1+2. Hands On. [B+I]

One of the most powerful data analysis tools is mapping. It allows you to uncover patterns you would not see in rows and columns of data. From statistical trends, such as population characteristics, to locations of events or incidents, QGIS is a great tool to reveal geographic patterns in data.

4 July 2024

Data Journalism: Investigating Data with R 1-3. Hands-on. [B+I]

Hands-on. Beginner-Intermediate. Sooner or later you know you’ll come up against a dataset so big it’s going to crash Excel if you even try to open it. Maybe your questions are becoming too complex for Excel’s built-in analytics tools to handle.

3 July 2024

Data Journalism: Spreadsheets 1-3. Hands-on. [B+I]

Hands-on. Beginner-Intermediate. This three-part hands-on express data journalism course will introduce you to the basics of data analysis in Google Sheets. Suitable for beginners (part I) and intermediates (parts II and III).

4 July 2024

Using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 1-2

This two-part practical course will guide you through the basics of freedom of information legislation and equip you with the skills necessary to make successful information requests and appeals.

4 July 2024

Understanding Company Accounts 1-4

This mini course taught by a journalist-friendly forensic accountant will show you how to understand company accounts and get beyond the corporate PR spin. The emphasis will be on teaching practical skills rather than a series of lectures.

3 July 2024

Story-Based Inquiry Method 1-4

This course sets out the Story-Based Inquiry (SBI) method, which has been successfully used by thousands of journalists, academics and NGO researchers since its publication by UNESCO in 2009. The method can be used for feature writing or documentary filmmaking as well as reportage.

28 June 2023

Data Journalism: Scraping 1-2. Hands-on. [B+I]

Hands-on. Beginner-Intermediate. Scraping 1 You may have heard of scraping, you may even have done a little yourself. These two sessions set out to demystify the process of getting data from websites where there is no download or export button, and copying and pasting is getting you nowhere.

29 June 2023

Data Journalism: Investigating Data with R 1-3. Hands-on. [B+I]

Hands-on. Beginner-Intermediate. Sooner or later you know you’ll come up against a dataset so big it’s going to crash Excel if you even try to open it. Maybe your questions are becoming too complex for Excel’s built-in analytics tools to handle.

28 June 2023

Data Journalism: Spreadsheets 1-3. Hands-on. [B+I]

Hands-on. Beginner-Intermediate. This three-part hands-on express data journalism course will introduce you to the basics of data analysis in Google Sheets. Suitable for beginners (part I) and intermediates (parts II and III).

29 June 2023

Understanding Company Accounts: Getting the Most out of Companies House

Any UK-based investigative journalist or aspiring journalist should have a working knowledge of Companies House. Companies House is the central registry for all UK registered limited or PLC companies and contains a wealth of useful information for those who know how to use the site.